Background Linda Feaster Background Linda Feaster

Why I Should Be Banned From the Kitchen

Excerpt from an actual conversation I had with my husband this morning:

Me: Do you want to grill something tonight?

Him: Yeah, how about steak since we had chicken last time.

Me: Ok, what kind?

Him: How about skirt?

Me: No, isn’t that the chewy one?

Him: Ok, whatever, just don’t get a London broil. You know, London broil is the big long one.

Me: No, I’ll get the one with the bone, the one that looks like a steak.

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Background Linda Feaster Background Linda Feaster

Meet Jeter

This is Jeter. Also known as Pecker, Little, Jeet Jeet, Baby Jeet, Bone Bag, and whatever else I choose to call him because he came with a name that my 4-yr old, unfortunately, did not want to change. I love naming animals (actually, I love naming anything) and mine frequently have MANY nicknames because as their personalities emerge, I decide that they need new monikers (my son has a few doozies!). I'm responsible for my sister having a cat named Baba Ghanoush and a dog named Winston (he looked at me and I saw Winston Churchill, what can I say?)

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Background Linda Feaster Background Linda Feaster

Evidence of My Fabulousness

I come to interior design through a side door. Because of this, I think it's important to share the fact that I have been practicing my creativity all of my life. As a working artist I bring a unique perspective to the homes I touch and not a staid, schoolbook formula for how things "should" look. Besides, everyone knows the best ones know how to break the rules. Here are some fun, interesting things you should know about my life-long creative journey.

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Background Linda Feaster Background Linda Feaster

In the Beginning

It all started when my mother passed away and the task of clearing out her Florida condo was left to me and my sister. Sitting amongst the spray bottles, rubber gloves and garbage bags I remember thinking “Why on earth do we all have so much shit?”

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